What needs to be registered? Medical Devies
The medical device: as a manufacturer you place class I medical devices on the European market.
The manufacturer: you are a Dutch manufacturer and do not place class I medical devices on the Dutch market but in another member state of the European Economic Area (EEA).
The authorized representative: you are an authorized representative officially established in The Netherlands for a non-EEA manufacturer of class I medical devices.
Manufacturers of class I medical devices in sterile condition or class I medical devices with a measuring function need to be registered by a notified body of your choice, to assess the sterility and/or measuring function.
What needs to be registered? In vitro diagnostics (IVDs)
The medical device: as a manufacturer you place an IVD on the Dutch market. This obligation to notification applies to eachmanufacturer who places an IVD on the Dutch market for the first time, regardless of its registered place of business.
The manufacturer: (1) you are a manufacturer and place an IVD on the Dutch market. This obligation to notification applies to each manufacturer, regardless of your registered place of business within the EEA. (2) you are a Dutch manufacturer and do not place IVDs on the Dutch market but in another member state of the EEA.
The authorised representative: you are a an authorised representative officially established in The Netherlands for a non-EEA manufacturer of IVDs and place IVDs on the Dutch market.
Class IIa, IIb, III medical devices
As a manufacturer of these products you need to inform a notified body you are planning to place a Class IIa, IIb or III medical device on the European market. This also applies to the European authorised representative established in the Netherlands of a non-EEA manufacturer of a medical device falling within these classes.
Application Procedure
Class I medical device
Include in your application product information (e.g. leaflet, manual, instructions for use) intended for the market which clearly indicates the category and classification of the medical device concerned.
Include in your application product information (e.g. leaflet, manual, instructions for use) intended for the market which clearly indicates the medical use of the IVD concerned.
If your application is not complete you will be requested to send additional information. When your medical devices meets the European requirements, you will receive a letter of confirmation.